Higher Than The Sky

Higher Than The Sky


Higher Than The Sky

Higher Than The Sky

  • I
  • C
  • I
  • V1
  • C
  • It
  • V1
  • C
  • Tg
  • Is
  • B
  • B
  • C
  • C
  • Tg
  • Tg
  • E
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  • Male Lead
  • Rock


  • Chorus

    Higher than the sky
    Your love Your love is
    Deeper than the sea
    Your grace Your grace is
    Washing over me
    And calling me Your own
    Your own

  • Verse 1

    Your light Your light is
    Burning through the shadows
    I see the truth
    There is nothing to fear
    Your word Your way
    Your promise everlasting
    Over and over I see Your hand

  • Chorus

    Higher than the sky
    Your love Your love is
    Deeper than the sea
    Your grace Your grace is
    Washing over me
    And calling me Your own
    Your own

  • Verse 1

    Your name Your name
    A tower in the battle
    You are here
    We have nothing to fear
    Your voice Your voice
    My river in the desert
    Over and over I see Your hand

  • Chorus

    Higher than the sky
    Your love Your love is
    Deeper than the sea
    Your grace Your grace is
    Washing over me
    And calling me Your own
    Your own

  • Tag

    Your own

  • Bridge

    You are who You say You are
    You'll do what You say You'll do
    Our praise all belongs to You

  • Bridge

    You died breaking every chain
    You rose in glorious display
    We are alive forever changed

  • Chorus

    Higher than the sky
    Your love Your love is
    Deeper than the sea
    Your grace Your grace is
    Washing over me
    And calling me Your own
    Your own

  • Tag

    We are Your own