Look Around
Look Around

Look Around

  • Vp
  • I
  • V1
  • V2
  • C
  • Ta
  • V3
  • Vp
  • C
  • It
  • B
  • C
  • It
  • C
  • Tg
  • E
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  • Female Lead


  • Verse 1

    Not a word You speak is ever wasted
    Not a promise You have left unkept
    You are faithful to me through the ages
    Jesus my Emmanuel

  • Verse 2

    Not a single taste has disappointed
    Not a glimpse of You has fallen short
    You go far beyond my expectations
    Jesus Jesus always more

  • Chorus

    What a privilege
    What an honor
    Just to dwell within Your house
    In every season
    In every hour
    Faithful then You'll be faithful now

  • Verse 3

    Years and years of goodness go before me
    Miles and miles of mercy close behind
    In every battle and in every blessing
    Jesus You've been on my side

  • Chorus

    What a privilege
    What an honor
    Just to dwell within Your house
    In every season
    In every hour
    Faithful then You'll be faithful now

  • Chorus

    What a privilege
    What an honor
    Just to dwell within Your house
    In every season
    In every hour
    Faithful then and You'll be faithful now

  • Bridge

    Look around and where you've come from
    Look around and where you are now
    Look around lift your head up
    Anything is possible

  • Chorus

    What a privilege
    What an honor
    Just to dwell within Your house
    In every season
    In every hour
    Faithful then You'll be faithful now

  • Chorus

    What a privilege
    What an honor
    Just to dwell within Your house
    In every season
    In every hour
    You're faithful then You'll be faithful now

  • Tag

    You're faithful then
    You'll be faithful now