Fountain (I Am Good)

Fountain (I Am Good)


Fountain (I Am Good)

Fountain (I Am Good)

  • I
  • V1
  • Pc
  • Vp
  • C
  • Ta
  • V2
  • Pc
  • C
  • B
  • V3
  • Pc
  • Vp
  • C
  • C
  • Tg
  • E
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  • Female Lead


  • Verse 1

    There is a fountain
    Wrapped in a haze of light
    Flooded with goodness
    Rushing with words of life

  • Pre Chorus

    And they heal to the bone
    They're sweet to my soul
    And I'm swept away

  • Chorus

    I am good You say I'm good
    I am worthy wanted loved by You
    This is living breathing proof
    That I am chosen wanted
    Loved by You
    I'm undone with love for You

  • Verse 2

    There is a person
    Light running through His hands
    Speaking with kindness
    Brimming with gentleness

  • Pre Chorus

    And He heals to the bone
    He speaks straight to the soul
    And I'm swept away

  • Chorus

    I am good You say I'm good
    I am worthy wanted loved by You
    This is living breathing proof
    That I am chosen wanted
    Loved by You
    I'm undone with love for You

  • Bridge

    And within all the joy
    And through all of the waiting
    I'm undone with love for You
    And I could never forget
    The Spirit that changed me
    I'm undone with love for You
    I'm undone with love for

  • Verse 3

    You are the Father
    Love rushing through Your veins
    Warm and devoted
    Tenderness filled with strength

  • Pre Chorus

    And You heal to the bone
    You speak life to the soul
    And I'm swept away

  • Vamp

    And I'm swept away

  • Chorus


  • Chorus

    I am good You say I'm good
    I am worthy wanted loved by You
    This is living breathing proof
    That I am chosen wanted
    Loved by You

  • Tag

    I am worthy wanted loved by You
    I'm undone with love for You