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Pray through the struggle

Begin praying for a friend. Invite them to Easter services.

Yes, Jesus loves me!

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” – John 10:10

The Master you are serving is Christ. – Colossians 3:24

The Church is the hope of the world.

Let us cleanse ourselves from everything that can defile our body or spirit. – 2 Corinthians 7:1

Behold your son: behold your mother.

Pray before, pray after, pray during

The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God. – CS Lewis

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. – John 15:12

I keep my eyes always on the LORD. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken. – Psalm 16:8

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. – James 4:7

“The reward for humility and fear of the LORD is riches and honor and life.” – Proverbs 22:4

Be strong. Fear not.

How can we pray for you?

Gideon’s search history. (1) Midianite weaknesses (2) does fleece hold dew? (3) lessons from movie “300&#...


We love our volunteers!

He is near to the brokenhearted.

You are accepted just as you are.

Did you know? About 50 Bibles are sold every minute.

Raise your hand if you’re ready for the weekend

Seek the LORD and his strength. – 1 Chronicles 16:11

Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow


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