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True prayer is neither a mere mental exercise nor a vocal performance. It is far deeper than that – it is spiri...

Your past has been erased.

Holiness is wholeness

One house. Many rooms.

In the beginning, God. – Genesis 1:1

Where you go, I will go.

Take time to be alone with Jesus

Our livestream will begin shortly

Support our local community. Here are some local restaurants offering delivery and pickup options.

This is my body, which is broken for you.

Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. – 1 Chronicles 16:34

What’s the best Beatles song?

Your coworkers need the light you carry. Be a light.

The most obvious lesson in Christ’s teaching is that there is no happiness in having or getting anything, but o...

“He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” – Psalm 91:2

15 mins to Church

The most wonderful time of the year!

The best things in life aren’t things. – Art Buchwald

I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. – Psalm 23:6

Love never gave up. And it never will.

Please answer me, so these people will know that you are the LORD God. – 1 Kings 18:37

Blessed are those who trust in the LORD. – Jeremiah 17:7

“Money never stays with me. It would burn me if it did. I throw it out of my hands as soon as possible, lest it...


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