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Your future is greater than your failures

Put on the armor of God

Jesus. The name above every name.

Stations of the Cross: Jesus is laid in the tomb.

What does the Bible say about joy?

If God is your partner, make your plans big! – DL Moody

Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. – Matthew 7:1

A quiet mind brings peace.

If I have no love, my speech is no more than a noisy gong or a clanging bell. – 1 Corinthians 13:1

Make the most of every opportunity. – Ephesians 5:16

Seek stillness.

Darkness trembles at His name

I will honor and praise your name, for you are my God. – Isaiah 25:1

Rank these from best to worst: Cadbury Eggs, Chocolate Bunnies, Jelly Beans, Peeps

When my heart breaks, Your heart breaks through

The tongue has the power of life and death. – Proverbs 18:21

There is strength in numbers. Don’t let the enemy isolate you.

Never lose hope.

We are His people.

Giveaway: Tag a friend and invite them to church. We’ll pick a tagged winner at random.

Pray unceasingly. – 1 Thessalonians 5:17

What was your favorite worship song from yesterday?

Let your hope of heaven master your fear of death. – William Gurnall

One has to go: Home Alone, Elf, Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story


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