Prayer For This Gathering (Live)
Prayer For This Gathering (Live)

Prayer For This Gathering (Live)

  • I
  • V1
  • C
  • Ta
  • V2
  • C
  • Ta
  • B1
  • B1
  • C
  • C
  • Vp
  • B2
  • C
  • Tg
  • O
  • E
Multitrack original
Chart original


  • Duet


  • Verse 1

    We could be anywhere anywhere
    But You have us right here
    We could be anywhere anywhere
    But You have us right here
    Quiet our hearts help us be still
    Open our hands for You to come fill
    We could be anywhere anywhere
    But You have us right here
    You have us right here

  • Chorus

    Be glorified in the songs we sing
    Be lifted high in the words we speak
    Give us faith as we bless Your name
    That’s our prayer for this gathering

  • Verse 2

    We want to be set apart set apart
    For the sake of the world
    We want to be set apart set apart
    For the sake of the world
    Forgive us our sin
    Teach us Your Word
    In Spirit and Truth
    Strengthen Your Church
    We want to be set apart set apart
    For the sake of the world

  • Chorus

    Be glorified in the songs we sing
    Be lifted high in the words we speak
    Give us faith as we bless Your name
    That’s our prayer for this gathering

  • Bridge 1

    We are here to worship
    To gather with the saints
    To be reminded of the cross
    And the riches of Your grace
    We are here to witness
    To share and testify
    Of the goodness of our God
    And the way You changed our lives

  • Chorus

    Be glorified in the songs we sing
    Be lifted high in the words we speak
    Give us faith as we bless Your name
    That’s our prayer for this gathering

  • Bridge 2

    Praise God from whom
    All blessings flow
    Praise Him all creatures
    Here below
    Praise Him above
    Ye heavenly hosts
    Praise Father Son
    And Holy Ghost

  • Chorus

    Be glorified in the songs we sing
    Be lifted high in the words we speak
    Give us faith as we bless Your name
    That’s our prayer for this gathering

  • Tag

    That’s our prayer for this gathering