The Lord Is My Salvation
The Lord Is My Salvation

The Lord Is My Salvation

  • I
  • V1
  • V2
  • C
  • Bd
  • V3
  • V4
  • C
  • Bd
  • V1
  • C
  • B
  • B
  • B
  • B
  • Tg
  • Bd
  • O
  • E
Multitrack original
Chart original


  • Female Lead
  • Traditional Hymn


  • Verse 1

    The grace of God has
    Reached for me
    And pulled me from
    The raging sea
    And I am safe on
    This solid ground
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Verse 2

    I will not fear
    When darkness falls
    His strength will help
    Me scale these walls
    I'll see the dawn
    Of the rising sun
    The Lord is
    My salvation

  • Chorus

    Who is like the Lord our God
    Strong to save faithful in love
    My debt is paid and
    The vict'ry won
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Verse 3

    My hope is hidden
    In the Lord
    He flow'rs each promise
    Of His word
    When winter fades
    I know spring will come
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Verse 4

    In times of waiting
    Times of need
    When I know loss
    When I am weak
    I know His grace will
    Renew these days
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Chorus

    Who is like the Lord our God
    Strong to save faithful in love
    My debt is paid
    And the vict'ry won
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Verse 1

    And when I reach my final day
    He will not leave
    Me in the grave
    But I will rise
    He will call me home
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Chorus

    Who is like the Lord our God
    Strong to save faithful in love
    My debt is paid
    And the vict'ry won
    The Lord is my salvation

  • Bridge

    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son

  • Bridge

    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is our salvation

  • Bridge

    Glory be to God the Father
    Glory be to God the Son

  • Bridge

    Glory be to God the Spirit
    The Lord is
    Our salvation

  • Tag

    The Lord is
    Our salvation
    The Lord is our salvation