Beautiful Story
Beautiful Story

Beautiful Story

  • I
  • V1
  • C
  • V2
  • C
  • B
  • Tg
  • C
  • Tg
  • Is
  • B
  • Tg
  • E
Multitrack original
Chart original


  • Female Lead


  • Verse 1

    I would've lost heart
    Had I not believed
    You know all the plans
    You have for me
    I would've lost heart
    Had I not resolved
    There is no good thing
    That You withhold

  • Chorus

    You write a beautiful story
    You write a beautiful story
    From glory to glory I believe
    You write a beautiful story
    You write a beautiful story
    Beginning to ending and in between

  • Verse 2

    I would've let go
    Had You not reached out
    And silenced all my doubt with hope
    You pull me close
    And tell my heart to rest
    'Cause You know what is best yes
    And You're not done yet

  • Chorus

    You write a beautiful story
    You write a beautiful story
    From glory to glory I believe
    You write a beautiful story
    You write a beautiful story
    Beginning to ending and in between

  • Bridge

    All the while You keep saying
    Trust that I am orchestrating
    Everything for good

  • Bridge

    All the while You keep saying
    Trust that I am custom making
    Everything for good

  • Tag

    You work all things together for good
    All things together for good
    All things together for good
    Like You said You would

  • Chorus

    You write a beautiful story
    You write a beautiful story
    From glory to glory I believe
    You write a beautiful story
    You write a beautiful story
    Beginning to ending and in between

  • Tag

    You work all things together for good
    All things together for good
    All things together for good
    Like You said You would

  • Bridge

    All the while You keep saying
    Trust that I am orchestrating
    Everything for good

  • Bridge

    All the while You keep saying
    Trust that I am custom making
    Everything for good

  • Bridge

    All the while You keep saying
    Trust that I am orchestrating
    Everything for good

  • Bridge

    All the while You keep saying
    Trust that I am custom making
    Everything for good

  • Tag

    You work all things together for good
    All things together for good
    All things together for good
    Like You said You would