You're the Same God
You're the Same God

You're the Same God

  • I
  • C1
  • Rf
  • B1
  • B2
  • B3
  • C2
  • Rf
  • C1
  • C3
  • Tg
  • V1
  • Rf
  • V1
  • Rf
  • V2
  • Rf
  • B4
  • Rf
  • Is
  • Rf
  • O
  • E
Multitrack original
Chart original


  • Duet


  • Chorus 1

    I repeat Your story
    I repeat Your glory
    I repeat Your victory

  • Refrain

    So the earth may know
    So the earth may know

  • Refrain

    So the earth may know
    So the earth may know
    So the earth may know

  • Bridge 1

    You’re the same God
    Who opened up the red sea
    You’re the same God
    Who created the skies
    You’re the same God
    Who swallowed up every army
    You’re the same God
    Who made a promise to David
    You’re the same God
    Who made a promise to Ruth
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    Who spoke a word to Isaiah
    You’re the same God
    Who spoke a word to Jeremiah

  • Bridge 2

    You’re the same God
    Who spoke a word to Nehemiah
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    Who spoke a word to Mary
    You’re the same God
    Who spoke a word to Anna
    You’re the same God
    Who brought
    The wise men to the manger
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    Who was a carpenter
    You’re the same God
    Who walked on the water

  • Bridge 3

    You’re the same God
    Who healed the blind men
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    Who made the sun stand still
    You’re the same God
    Who defeated the giants
    You’re the same God
    Who chose the twelve disciples
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God
    Who burned the hearts
    On the road to Emmaus
    Who came and fell
    On the Acts two church
    Who poured out the Holy Spirit
    You’re the same God
    You’re the same God

  • Chorus 2

    I repeat Your stories
    I repeat Your glories
    I repeat Your victories

  • Refrain

    Over and over again
    Over and over again
    Over and over again
    Over and over again

  • Chorus 1

    I repeat Your story
    I repeat Your glory
    I repeat Your glory

  • Chorus 3

    I repeat Your victory
    I repeat Your victory
    Over and over again
    Over and over again

  • Tag

    Over and over again

  • Verse 1

    If You came like fire once before
    And You came like water once before
    You came like wind once before

  • Refrain

    I repeat Your glory
    I repeat Your story

  • Verse 1

    If You came like fire once before
    And You came like rain once before
    You came like wind once before

  • Refrain

    I repeat Your story
    Cause You don't change

  • Verse 2

    If You healed the blind eyes
    Once before
    If You healed the deaf ears
    Once before
    You made the dead live
    Once before

  • Refrain

    I repeat Your story
    I repeat Your glory

  • Bridge 4

    You word says that day unto day
    The skies declare Your gospel
    The skies they preach
    Your victories
    The skies because they know
    They say it over and over
    Over and over
    Until the Earth passes away
    Until the Heaven pass away
    They just keep singing

  • Refrain

    If the skies keep singing
    Then so will I
    If the skies keep singing
    Then so will I
    If the skies keep singing
    Then so will I
    So that the Earth might know

  • Refrain

    The Earth might know
    That the Earth might know
    That the Earth might know
    All creation keeps on singing

  • Refrain

    All creation keeps on echoing
    All creation keeps on singing
    All creation keeps on echoing
    Over and over again
    Over and over again

  • Refrain

    We've got a greater gospel
    The Earth will know
    We've got a greater covenant
    The Earth will know
    We've got a better promise
    The Earth will know

  • Refrain

    We've got a better promise
    The Earth will know
    We've got a greater covenant
    The Earth will know
    The Earth will know

  • Outro

    The Earth will know
    The Earth will know
    The Earth will know
    The Earth will know

  • Outro

    The Earth will know
    The Earth will know
    Greater is He
    That's living inside of me
    Than He that is in the world